Friday, September 3, 2010

The "used to be" go to guy (that's me)

A post from our used to be go to guy for postings...

I read the blog postings and a few things come to mind... 1.] I am grateful that a few of you stepped up tot he plate when I had a few other things going on. 2.] I wish I were there with you, experiencing the journey in it's joys and challenges as you strive toward the finish.

I miss you guys and desperately wish I were there with you. Honestly though, there's no place I'd rather be in the world right now than right here at home with Kendra and our new baby girl, Ryann Eileen Owens.

So, while I miss you and the road, and I am looking forward to Orlando next year, this has truly been the best week of my life being right where I am, experiencing first hand one of the coolest miracles and embodiments of God's grace that I have ever been a part of. I get all emotional and sappy and teary eyed just blogging about it (this emotional, sappy, teary eyed thing has been a regular occurrence this week for me).

Can't wait to hear the stories of God's grace and sustenance pour out upon your return even more than we've previewed thus far via this blog.

Love you guys, miss you, and praying for you,

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