Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Day 4

After watching a gorgeous sunrise we rolled out of Rogers City around 8:00 am on the bike path along the Lake Huron shoreline. 
Beautiful! At the end of the trail we stopped for a photo opp at the 40 Mile Point Lighthouse. 

While there, we struck up a conversation with a nice elderly gentleman who was busy restoring a boat on display on the grounds. As we talked about the history of the lighthouse he offered to give us a "quick tour". 
Our tour guide of the lighthouse

We accepted (it was not tour hours) because he was so sweet and we were a honored to be offered a private tour. 
Once we got to the entrance, he muttered to himself that he may have forgotten the passcode for the alarm system. Sure enough...he forgot it and set off the alarm! 
A bit panicky, he went to his truck to get his phone, called a friend - she didn't know it either but gave him the number of someone who would. Another elderly man arrives on the scene but he doesn't know the code either. 
Making the best of waiting for the
lighthouse alarm! 

We are now wondering what we have gotten ourselves into. This "quick little tour" has now taken almost a half an hour and we still haven't been inside! We did not have the heart to abandon him so we waited patiently while the alarm was still buzzing away. 
He finally reached someone "in the know" and disarmed the alarm. Soon there after another man arrived after being dispatched by the police. Oh man, now we are in trouble! No...he left realizing it was a false alarm and the people dressed in weird bicycle clothes and funny shoes were not going to be a threat! We took a quick tour and went on our way. 
The old boat he was restoring.

All the while, our poor RV SAG crew is rushing to get breakfast prepared, thinking we could show up at any moment, not knowing that we were waylaid by a good hour due to our lighthouse alarm ordeal. 

So, from the bottom of our hearts, dear RV SAG team, we apologize and commit to never setting off another alarm and call ahead if we do.

Breakfast stop with our gracious cooks.
We want to stop a minute here to recognize this wonderful threesome on the RV. They have worked tirelessly to keep us fed, fueled and watered. They do it with love and we are so appreciative of all of their effort!

After a great breakfast along the lake we headed up US 23 toward Mackinaw City. 

Nice scenery and another beautiful day. We arrived in Mackinaw around 2:30 pm after traveling about 60 miles. It seemed good to get into our destination early. We decided to jump on the ferry and head to the island 
for a couple of hours to walk, shop and buy some fudge.

Back to the mainland by 7:00 pm and out for dinner with the gang. We laughed, ate, talked and headed back to the hotel to do a couple loads of laundry, blog and sleep. 

Desperate for a load of laundry!
We have a long day with lots of elevation tomorrow. One hundred miles into Bellaire via Cross Village, Harbor Springs, Charlevoix, Ellsworth, Central Lake and finally Bellaire. 

 Pray for weary bodies as we pedal rolling terrain and lots of miles. We remain grateful for all the support and prayers!